Official Journal
of the European Union


L series


of 19 December 2024

on the collection and transfer of advance passenger information for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime, and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/818

Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article 26(2) thereof,
(1) The excessive and uncontrolled accumulation and spread of small arms and light weapons (SALW) has fuelled insecurity in south-eastern Europe, exacerbating conflict in the region and undermining post-conflict peace building, thus posing a serious threat to peace and security in the region.
(2) On 15-16 December 2005, the European Council adopted the EU Strategy to combat the illicit accumulation and trafficking of SALW and their ammunition (EU SALW Strategy) which sets the guidelines for EU action in the field of SALW.
(3) The EU SALW Strategy identifies among its objectives the fostering of effective multilateralism so as to forge mechanisms, whether international, regional or within the EU and its Member States, for countering the supply and destabilising the spread of SALW and their ammunition. The EU SALW Strategy also identifies the Western Balkans as one of the regions most affected by the illicit trade and excessive accumulation of weapons.
(4) Under the auspices of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the former Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe (since 2008 known as Regional Cooperation Council), a ‘South-Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons’ (SEESAC) has been established. SEESAC is located in Belgrade, and consists of a technical support unit, which supports a number of regional and national level operational activities.
(5) The objectives pursued by SEESAC include preventing the proliferation and excessive accumulation of SALW and their ammunition throughout south-east Europe. SEESAC places particular emphasis on the development of regional projects to address the reality of cross-border flows of weapons.
(6) The EU previously supported SEESAC by Council Decision 2002/842/CFSP of 21 October 2002, implementing Joint Action 2002/589/CFSP, extended and amended by Council Decisions 2003/807/CFSP of 17 November 2003 and 2004/791/CFSP of 22 November 2004. The implementation of these Decisions has been positively assessed by the Council,

1. The EU shall pursue the promotion of peace and security in the Western Balkans by supporting effective multilateralism and for relevant regional initiatives aiming at reducing the risk posed to peace and security by the proliferation and excessive accumulation of SALW and their ammunition.

2. In order to achieve the objective referred to in paragraph 1, the EU will support a SEESAC project which aims to reduce the threat posed by SALW to security in the Western Balkans. The activities to be supported by the EU shall have the following specific objectives:

to improve the management and security of unsafe and unstable stockpiles of weapons and ammunition,

to reduce the available stockpiles of weapons and ammunition through destruction activities,

to enhance controls on SALW, including through the implementation of international and national instruments on marking and tracing in the Western Balkans countries and improvement of the weapons registration process.
A detailed description of the project is set out in the Annex.
1. The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (HR), shall be responsible for the implementation of this Decision.

2. The technical implementation of the project referred to in Article 1(2) shall be carried out by SEESAC. It shall perform its task under the responsibility of the HR. For this purpose, the HR shall enter into the necessary arrangements with SEESAC.
1. The financial reference amount for the implementation of the project referred to in Article 1(2) shall be EUR 1 600 000.
2. The expenditure financed by the amount set out in paragraph 1 shall be managed in accordance with the procedures and rules applicable to the general budget of the European Union.

3. The Commission shall supervise the proper management of the expenditure referred to in paragraph 1. For this purpose, it shall conclude a financing agreement with UNDP, acting on behalf of SEESAC. The agreement shall stipulate that SEESAC is to ensure the visibility of the EU contribution, appropriate to its size.

4. The Commission shall endeavour to conclude the financing agreement referred to in paragraph 3 as soon as possible after the entry into force of this Decision. It shall inform the Council of any difficulties in that process and of the date of conclusion of the financing agreement.
The HR shall report to the Council on the implementation of this Decision on the basis of regular reports prepared by SEESAC. These reports shall form the basis for the evaluation carried out by the Council. The Commission shall report on the financial aspects of the implementation of the project.
1. This Decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption.

2. This Decision shall expire 24 months after the date of conclusion of the financing agreement referred to in Article 3(3), or six months after the date of its adoption if no financing agreement has been concluded within that period.
This Decision shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.