Official Journal |
EN L series |
of 19 December 2024
on the collection and transfer of advance passenger information for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime, and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/818
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular the second subparagraph of Article 300(2) thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,
Having consulted the European Economic and Social Committee,
(1) The Economic Partnership Agreement between the CARIFORUM States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part (1) (hereinafter ‘the Agreement’), was signed on 15 October 2008, and has applied provisionally since 29 December 2008.
(2) Article 232(2) of the Agreement provides for the Joint CARIFORUM-EC Council (hereinafter ‘the Joint Council’) to decide on the participation in the CARIFORUM-EC Consultative Committee (hereinafter ‘the Committee’), with a view to ensuring a broad representation of all interested parties.
(3) It is crucial to ensure the rapid set up of the institutions provided for by the Agreement, and in particular the Committee, in the light of its role in monitoring the implementation of the Agreement.
(4) An internal Community procedure should be established for the selection of representatives of organisations located in the EC Party.
(5) The European Economic and Social Committee has expressed its willingness to assist in identifying and selecting European civil society organisations representatives, and to initially hold the Committee secretariat,
2. There shall be four representatives of the European organisations defined in Article 1.1(c) of the Annex and two representatives of the European organisations defined in Article 1.1(b) of the Annex. The European Economic and Social Committee shall be asked to establish rosters of the organisations defined in Articles 1.1(b) and 1.1(c) of the Annex. This shall be effected by widely publicising a call for expression of interest to be included in such roster. In replying to such call, any interested organisation shall describe how it fulfils the requirements set out in Article 1 of the Annex. The rosters shall remain open for any organisation fulfilling the requirements of that provision to be included. The Commission shall verify that organisations seeking inclusion in the roster fulfil the requirements set out in Article 1 of the Annex. Where the Commission considers that an organisation having applied for inclusion in the roster does not fulfil such requirements, it shall inform the applicant organisation within two months of the date of application.
3. Organisations included in the rosters shall be kept informed of, and shall be able to participate as observers at their own cost in, the working of the Committee.
4. In the call for expression of interest, organisations shall also be invited to express an interest in one of their representatives to serve as a standing member of the Committee. The organisations included in the rosters shall be subsequently called to endorse the candidature of up to two standing representatives for the Committee, among those having expressed such interest and fulfilling the requirements set out in Article 1 of the Annex. The EC Party shall propose to the Trade and Development Committee as standing members for categories 1.1(b) and 1.1(c) those representatives having received more endorsements as long as the requirements of Article 1 of the Annex are respected.
5. A call for expression of interest to serve as standing members of the Committee shall be launched four months before the expiry of the mandate of the members serving in the Committee. The designation shall follow the same procedures set out in paragraph 4.
Among each of these two groups there shall be at least two representatives from organisations representing respectively:
(a) the social and economic partners;
(b) the academic community, including independent research institutions, and
(c) other non-governmental organisations, including development and environmental organisations.
Standing members shall remain in office for two years, subject to renewal. Relevant expertise and broad geographical and sectoral representation shall be ensured.
2. For the purpose of this Decision, organisations of civil society shall mean associations, foundations and other private institutions which have a non-profit making aim of international utility and which are able to contribute expert information or advice in matters covered by the Agreement, or which represent important elements of public opinion concerned with matters covered by the Agreement. The requirement of a non-profit making aim may be waived in the case of academic institutions with specific expertise in matters covered by the Agreement.
3. An organisation shall be deemed to be located in the territory of either the CARIFORUM States or of the EC Party if such organisation has its principal place of activity and central management and control in the territory of the CARIFORUM States or the EC Party, as the case may be.
(1) OJ L 289, 30.10.2008, p. 3.
(1) OJ L 289, 30.10.2008, p. 3.