Official Journal |
EN L series |
of 19 December 2024
on the collection and transfer of advance passenger information for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime, and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/818
Having regard to the Treaty on European Union and, in particular Article 28, Article 31(2) and Article 33 thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,
(1) On 22 March 2010, the Council adopted Decision 2010/168/CFSP (1) appointing Mr Vygaudas UŠACKAS as the European Union Special Representative (EUSR) in Afghanistan. The EUSR’s mandate is to expire on 30 June 2013.
(2) The mandate of the EUSR should be extended for a further period of 12 months.
(3) The EUSR will implement the mandate in the context of a situation which may deteriorate and could impede the achievement of the objectives of the Union’s external action as set out in Article 21 of the Treaty,
(a) contribute to the implementation of the EU-Afghanistan Joint Declaration and lead the implementation of the EU Action Plan on Afghanistan and Pakistan, in so far as it concerns Afghanistan, thereby working with Member States’ representatives in Afghanistan;
(b) support the political dialogue between the Union and Afghanistan;
(c) support the pivotal role played by the United Nations (UN) in Afghanistan with particular emphasis on contributing to better coordinated international assistance, thereby promoting the implementation of the London, Kabul, Bonn, Istanbul, Chicago and Tokyo Conference Communiqués, as well as relevant UN Resolutions.
(a) promote the views of the Union on the political process and developments in Afghanistan;
(b) maintain close contact with, and support the development of, relevant Afghan institutions, in particular the Government and the Parliament as well as the local authorities. The EUSR shall also maintain contact with other Afghan political groups and other relevant actors in Afghanistan;
(c) maintain close contact with relevant international and regional stakeholders in Afghanistan, notably the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the UN and the Senior Civilian Representative of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and other key partners and organisations;
(d) advise on the progress achieved in meeting the objectives of the EU-Afghanistan Joint Declaration, of the EU Action Plan for Afghanistan and Pakistan, in so far as it concerns Afghanistan, and of the Kabul, Bonn, Istanbul, Chicago and Tokyo Conferences, in particular in the following areas:
civilian capacity building, notably at sub-national level,
good governance and the establishment of institutions necessary for the existence of the rule of law, in particular an independent judiciary,
electoral reforms,
security sector reforms, including the strengthening of judicial institutions, the national army and the police force, and in particular, the development of the civilian police service,
promotion of growth, namely through agriculture and rural development,
respect for Afghanistan’s international human rights obligations, including respect for the rights of persons belonging to minorities and the rights of women and children,
respect of democratic principles and the rule of law,
fostering participation of women in public administration, civil society and, in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000), the peace process,
respect for Afghanistan’s international obligations, including cooperation in international efforts to combat terrorism, illicit drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings and proliferation of arms and weapons of mass destruction and related materials,
facilitation of humanitarian assistance and the orderly return of refugees and internally displaced persons, and
enhancing the effectiveness of Union presence and activities in Afghanistan and contributing to the formulation of the regular yearly implementation reports on the EU Action Plan, as requested by the Council;
(e) actively participate in local coordination fora such as the Joint Coordination and Monitoring Board, while keeping non-participating Member States fully informed of decisions taken at those levels;
(f) advise on the participation and the positions of the Union in international conferences with regard to Afghanistan;
(g) take an active role in promoting regional cooperation through relevant initiatives including the Istanbul Process and the Regional Economic Conference on Afghanistan (RECCA);
(h) contribute to the implementation of the Union’s human rights policy and the EU Guidelines on Human Rights, in particular with regard to women and children in conflict- affected areas, especially by monitoring and addressing developments in this regard;
(i) provide, as appropriate, support to an inclusive and Afghan-led peace process leading to a political settlement consistent with the ‘red lines’ agreed at the Bonn Conference.
2. The Political and Security Committee (PSC) shall maintain a privileged link with the EUSR and shall be the EUSR’s primary point of contact with the Council. The PSC shall provide the EUSR with strategic guidance and political direction within the framework of the mandate, without prejudice to the powers of the HR.
3. The EUSR shall work in close coordination with the European External Action Service (EEAS) and its competent departments.
2. The expenditure shall be managed in accordance with the procedures and rules applicable to the general budget of the Union.
3. The management of the expenditure shall be subject to a contract between the EUSR and the Commission. The EUSR shall be accountable to the Commission for all expenditure.
2. Member States, institutions of the Union and the EEAS may propose the secondment of staff to work with the EUSR. The salary of such seconded staff shall be covered by the Member State, the institution of the Union concerned or the EEAS, respectively. Experts seconded by Member States to the institutions of the Union or the EEAS may also be seconded to work with the EUSR. International contracted staff shall have the nationality of a Member State.
3. All seconded personnel shall remain under the administrative authority of the sending Member State, the sending institution of the Union or the EEAS and shall carry out their duties and act in the interest of the mandate of the EUSR.
2. Union delegations and/or Member States, as appropriate, shall provide logistical support in the region.
(a) establishing a mission-specific security plan based on guidance from the EEAS, including mission-specific physical, organisational and procedural security measures, governing management of the secure movement of personnel to, and within, the mission area, as well as management of security incidents and a mission contingency and evacuation plan;
(b) ensuring that all personnel deployed outside the Union are covered by high risk insurance as required by the conditions in the mission area;
(c) ensuring that all members of the EUSR’s team to be deployed outside the Union, including locally contracted personnel, have received appropriate security training before or upon arriving in the mission area, based on the risk ratings assigned to the mission area by the EEAS;
(d) ensuring that all agreed recommendations made following regular security assessments are implemented and providing the HR, the Council and the Commission with written reports on their implementation and on other security issues within the framework of the progress and mandate implementation reports.
2. In the field, close liaison shall be maintained with the Heads of the Union delegations and Member States’ Heads of Mission. They shall make every effort to assist the EUSR in the implementation of the mandate. The EUSR shall provide the Head of the EU Police Mission in Afghanistan (EUPOL AFGHANISTAN) with local political guidance. The EUSR and the Civilian Operation Commander shall consult each other as required. The EUSR shall also liaise with other international and regional actors in the field.
It shall apply from 1 July 2013.
(1) OJ L 75, 23.3.2010, p. 22.
(2) OJ L 141, 27.5.2011, p. 17.
(1) OJ L 75, 23.3.2010, p. 22.
(2) OJ L 141, 27.5.2011, p. 17.